Bioscreening News 3rd annual Allergies conference on July 6-7, 2016 in Central London, UK

SMi Group is thrilled to present the 3rd annual Allergies conference, taking place on 6th & 7th July 2016 in Central London, UK. Aimed at an audience of senior scientists and allergy specialists involved in immunology and drug research, Allergies 2016 will provide the perfect platform to discuss pioneering clinical developments and the next generation of allergy therapeutics.

Created with a top panel of industry thought leaders, this year's event will look to capture expert insight by honing in on new pathways with novel vaccines and adjuvants, immunoassays for molecular diagnostic’s, paediatric allergies, personalised treatment, allergen specific immunotherapies, plus much more.'

Through strategic direction and regulatory guidance, the programme will look to strengthen knowledge in topics such as biomarker validation, and arm attendees with the key requirements and tools for successful trials and study outcomes.

For further information or to register, visit the website at

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