Bioscreening News Lyophilisation Europe on July 4-5, 2016 in London, UK

SMi is thrilled to announce the return of its 4th annual conference, Lyophilisation Europe, taking place on 4th and 5th July in London, UK. With the rising risk of contamination and the need for improved formulation methods of biological products, robust capabilities in lyophilisation and freeze drying methods have become critical for process efficiency and commercial success whilst maintaining drug quality and stability.

Innovation and efficiency is requested at every level making Lyophilisation Europe 2016, the perfect platform to strengthen knowledge in key principles such as PAT and QbD, whilst staying at the forefront of technological breakthroughs to adapt to a competitive growing industry.

Aimed at an audience of Senior Scientists and Heads of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Lyophilisation Europe 2016 will provide a focal point for the industry to discuss the latest advancements in pharmaceutical freeze drying, welcoming expertise from the likes of Boehringer Ingelheim, GSK and Sanofi.

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