Directory CombiChem Resins Senn Chemicals
Bioscreening Company Directory

Senn Chemicals

Senn Chemicals Switzerland
Phone: +41 1 854 9054
Senn Chemicals is a privately owned Swiss company established in 1963 specializing in the field of amino-acids derivatives, carbohydrates, reagents and resins for solid phase synthesis.
With its expertise Senn Chemicals specializes more and more in the synthesis of protected peptide fragments.
Senn Chemicals has a catalogue of over 3000 products which are sold to research institutions, academia, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and to manufacturers of peptides.
Senn Chemicals built a new plant in Dielsdorf which started operations by the end of 2002. This new facility will be compliant with cGMP.
Senn Chemicals has established a R&D laboratory in San Diego by purchasing the assets of Bioresearch; this allows the company to have access to the UNCA's technology and expertise.


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