Bioscreening Company Directory


Biofocus Chesterford Research Park/Chesterford Pk
CB10 1XL Saffron Walden United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1799 533500

BioFocus offers comprehensive target to candidate drug discovery services, backed by centralized project management.

Our headquarters are in Saffron Walden (near Cambridge), UK, with facilities in the US and Switzerland, and sales offices in Japan, Singapore and the US. We employ 250 staff offering a range of products and services to biotech, pharma as well as patient and non-profit organizations. You can find out more about the services we offer in the offerings section of this site.

BioFocus is the service division of Galapagos NV. Galapagos’ drug discovery division develops novel and disease-modifying drugs in a number of therapeutic areas for which there is a need for better medicines.

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