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Event: 'Epigenomics & Novel Therapeutic Targets Conference May 21-22, 2015, Boston, MA' Print
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Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015 - 8:00 am
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Epigenomics & Novel Therapeutic Targets Conference May 21-22, 2015, Boston, MA

On behalf of GTCbio and the 2015 Advisory Board, you are invited the Epigenomics & Novel Therapeutic Targets Conference which takes place May 21-22, 2015 in Boston, MA. This meeting is part of The Pan-Omics Summit and focuses on transcriptional regulation, novel therapeutic targets and discoveries, pre-clinical to clinical drug development, new technological advances, and epigenomic biomarkers and diagnostics.

Epigenomics is still a growing field and young in comparison to its counterparts. Investigators are facing many challenges in terms of immunotherapeutic research and instrumental analysis. This conference is for the scientists, researchers, laboratory leaders, and managers who are working in the field and allows these experts to share their findings and techniques in order to bridge technological and computational gaps that affect datasets, interpretation, and the clinical applications of epigenomics.

Session topics include:
I. Transcriptional Regulation
II. Novel Therapeutic Targets and Discovery
III. Pre-Clinical to Clinical Drug Development
IV. New Technological Advances
V. Epigenomic Biomarkers and Diagnostics
VI. Neurological Disorders and Other Diseases

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