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Event: 'Catalyses In Drug Discovery Summit Feb 26-27,2015 San Diego, CA' Print
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Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 8:00 am
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Catalyses in Drug Discovery Summit Feb 26-27,2015 San Diego, CA

We are excited to announce the inaugural Catalyses in Drug Discovery Summit, which will take place February 26 - 27, 2015 in San Diego, CA. This summit will feature the following three conferences, which will happen in parallel:

Enzymes in Drug Discovery

Enzymes have proven to be an important group of drug targets in diseases, and enzyme inhibitors have been among the most successful of drugs. Join us as we discuss ways to overcome drug resistance to these inhibitors, and discuss breakthroughs in targeting historically undruggable enzymes.


Ubiquitin Research & Drug Discovery

This meeting will discuss how recent structural insights into ubiquitin have opened the door to other possibilities in drug discovery. Researchers will discuss hot topics such as phosphorylation of ubiquitin, particularly in Parkinson's Disease, DUBs as drug targets, and many more.

Protease Inhibitors in Drug Discovery

Proteolytic enzymes have always been on the forefront of cancer research, though scientists in the field are still working to overcome the challenge of specificity in drug design. This meeting will discuss new mechanisms of actions for better specificity and cover hot topics such as exosites, membrane-associated systems, and more.

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