The meeting will follow a traditional ICOS program developed in consultation with the International Advisory Board. Along with an outstanding group of plenary lecturers, invited speakers and the Thieme-IUPAC Award Lecture, there will be parallel sessions from students, postdoctoral fellows and early career academics. There will also be Thieme-IUPAC poster prizes especially aimed at students. As part of the RACIOrganic24 program, there will be prizes for both student talks and posters as well as the presentation of the 2012 A. J. Birch Medal, the premier award of the RACI Organic Division.
We warmly invite you to come to Australia in July 2012 to hear about the latest developments in organic synthesis and enjoy what the beautiful city of Melbourne has to offer.
Professor Mark A. Rizzacasa (University of Melbourne, Chair ICOS19)
Dr Paul Savage (CSIRO, Chair RACIOrganic24)
Conference Topics
Total Synthesis of Natural Products
New Reagents and Reactions
Asymmetric Catalysis
Prospects in Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Synthesis of Organic Materials