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Event: 'Analytical Techniques For The Quantitation Of Angiogenesis And Lymphoangiogenesis' Print
  North America
Bio Conferences in USA, Mexico and Canada
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 8:00 am
Contact Info:
Bio-Trac Course Content and Custom Workshop Information Mark Nardone Director, Bio-Trac Program 301-496-2316

The growth of blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis, is essential in normal physiology and its imbalance contributes to numerous disorders including cancer and age-related macular degeneration. Antiangiogenic compounds are regarded as a very promising therapeutic tools for treatment of cancer and several other disorders.

This four day training course focuses on analytical techniques used to assess the in vitro/in vivo growth of blood vessel and lymphatic endothelial cells.

The course will be structured to have a combination of wet labs and lectures covering this subject matter. Hands-on operational training of the following techniques will be covered: 1) Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay (CAM), 2) Rat Aortic Ring Assay, 3) Directed In Vivo Angiogenesis Assay (DIVAA), 4) Endothelial Cell Migration Assay and 5) Endothelial Cell Tube Formation Assay.

Lecture Titles:

Angiogenesis and it's Regulation by Redox Signaling; Angiogenesis and Tumor Endothelial Markers (TEM); Therapies Targeting Tumor Angiogenesis; Imaginng of Lymphangiogenesis; ECIS - A Morphological Biosensor for Cell Research; DIVVA: A Novel Method for Measuring Angiogenesis

Laboratory Topics:

Rat Aortic Ring Assay; Chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) Assay; Tube Formation Assay; Growth Assay with Fluorescent Cells; Adhesion, Migration (ECIS) Tube Formation Assay; DIVVA CAM Assay

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