Resources Toxicology Testing and Evaluation Books
Acute Toxicology Testing
A complete and practical reference for conducting and interpreting regulatory-required and generally used acute toxicity tests. Presented and reviewed are, among other topics, considerations for the formulation and selections of vehicles or dosage form; characteristics of the eight most commonly used laboratory animal species and the rationale for model selection; and, basic principles and methods of statistics and experimental design. This second edition presents detailed protocols for all of the common test formulas and analyzes their development and objectives. Useful for clinicians in the pharmaceutical industry, but also of interest to researchers and students in toxicology and public health. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Acute Toxicology Testing: Perspectives and Horizons
Acute toxicology testing constitutes the first line of defense against potentially dangerous chemicals. This book provides a detailed presentation of protocols for each of the common designs, reviews their development and objectives, discusses the types of data they generate, and examines the current status of alternative test designs and models. For each test, applicable U.S. and international guidelines are also presented, and the formulation and selection of vehicles, dosages, and test animals are addressed.

Dermal and Ocular Toxicology: Fundamentals and Methods
Dermal and Ocular Toxicology: Fundamentals and Methods is a procedurally-oriented volume of detailed methods and practical examples discussing the dermal and ocular aspects of toxicology. The book is divided into a dermal section and an ocular section. Each section begins with a chapter on the anatomy and physiology of each organ system and then progresses to more specialized chapters discussing such topics as the toxicological pathology of each system, state-of-the-art in vitro and in vivo evaluatory procedures, statistical considerations for test design and data interpretation, and the utilization of test findings. Test methods are provided for acute dermal exposure effects, dermal hypersensitivity and photoallergy assessment, dermal and ocular 0.pharmacokinetics, skin flap and skin grafting techniques, and in vitro alternative methods. This book can be used as an instructional text or as a sourcebook for practicing toxicologists, pharmacologists, industrial hygienists, occupational health professionals, and graduate students.

Approaches to High Throughput Toxicity Screening
Takes an integrated approach to the preclinical safety testing of new pharmaceutical medicines using in vitro cell culture systems instead of animals. A major approach described is toxicogenomics, the study of organ and cellular responses to toxicity in terms of cellular stress gene induction. Other topics include automation and technology, cytotoxicity and mechanistic studies, gene expression and its applications, the modulation and screening technologies for early toxic stressor genes, the utility of branched DNA assays, methods for assessing apoptosis, genetically modified cells to access drug metabolism in vitro, and the future of high throughput screening and pharmacotoxicology.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Organ Function Tests in Toxicity Evaluation

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