Resources Drug Discovery and Development Books

Integrated Drug Discovery Technologies
Rubicon Genomics, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI. Reference provides a global overview of emerging drug discovery technologies. Presents new techniques from the disciplines of chemistry, biology, and computational sciences. Explains the rationale and developmental background behind evolving practices and highlights the impact of information technology on drug discovery

Drug Development Process: Increasing Efficiency & Cost Effectiveness
Sixteen invited essays responding to the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry and government regulators who must create more cost-effective approaches to the development and marketing of drugs. The contributors consider redefined competition in drug discoveries and development, the impact of liability on cost containment in the process, novel drug delivery systems, computer aided drug design, the use of clinical research, and a comparative analysis of European and Japanese approaches to management, development, and regulation. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Drug Metabolism: Databases and High-Throughput Testing During Drug Design and Development
Given the exponential proliferation of technical data and our increasing ability to rapidly disseminate it through a vast maze of electronic networks, it is no wonder that new systems capable of managing and integrating information are regarded among the most important of the emerging technologies for future growth and economic development across the globe. And in the midst of its own economics-driven revolution, this theme is probably nowhere more relevant than within the pharmaceutical research and health-care enterprise where new technologies having the potential to accelerate drug discovery or to expedite the development of new drug candidates, along with improved systems for enhancing the equitable delivery and pharmacoeconomics of pharmaceutical care, would be immediately greeted with considerable international enthusiasm. It was into this climate that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) chose to initiate a Working Party (WP) whose specific mission would be to consider the topic 'Metabolism Databases and Their Potential Utility in the Development of New Drugs.' This text represents the product from the IUPAC sponsored WP's efforts as it has attempted to address this topic during the course of the last year-and-a-half.

AIDS, Experimental Drug Approval, and the Fda New Drug Screening Process: A Legal Research Guide (Legal Research Guides, Vol. 34)
This book is intended as a basic research primer for investigators in the field, describing library and computer techniques for finding information on topics related to AIDS drug development and FDA regulation. Subjects covered range from pertinent search terms and electronic databases (including those on Westlaw, Lexis, RLG, Congressional Universe, and the Internet), to statutory, administrative, and legislative history materials, to contact information for relevant congressional committees and administrative agencies.

Safety Evaluation of Drugs and Chemicals

Methods of Testing Proposed Antithrombotic Drugs

Articles - Resources

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