Bioscreening News Biobanking on June 22-23 2015, London, United Kingdom

The increasing amount of sample and information sharing between biobanks and research facilities has ignited major discussions on how to successfully grow and maintain biobanks. With talks surrounding effective practices required for the management of specimen collections and repositories to ensure preservation of the integrity and future value of specimens, as well as practical implementation issues relating to privacy and confidentiality of research participants, this is a crucial time for the industry.
SMI are proud to present the 5th annual Biobanking Conference, 22nd – 23rd June 2015, London. Through a series of interactive presentations, panel discussions and roundtables, this meeting will feature innovative discussions on relevant and critical issues on how to improve biobanking practices.

With a comprehensive overview of current issues and ongoing considerations in biobanking relevant to both new and seasoned biobank stakeholders, this is a must attend event.

Key topics will include:

• How to improve sample management and utilisation
• Biobank interoperability with EU initiatives focusing on the harmonisation of quality standards and data
• Introducing robust strategies to overcome challenges in terms of storage and governance of samples
• Understanding why quality management is essential for the consistent and optimal operation of a repository

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