
The Scientific Committee is pleased to invite you to Vienna for the 16th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, SPICA 2016, which will take place from October 9-12, 2016 at the Austria Center Vienna.

The Scientific Committee is pleased to invite you to Vienna for the 16th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, SPICA 2016, which will take place from October 9-12, 2016 at the Austria Center Vienna.

The EuroQSAR Symposia have been taking place since 1973 and constitute major scientific events in the field of computational drug design, with further applications in agricultural and environmental sciences.

The 21st EuroQSAR 2016 symposium, entitled “Where Molecular Simulations Meet Drug Discovery” to highlight the importance of atomistic and molecular simulations in drug discovery, will take place from September 4-8, 2016 in Verona, Italy.

The symposium will focus on:

  • ADME Prediction and Computational Toxicoloy
  • QSAR and Environmental Toxicology
  • Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Related Methods
  • Big Data Analysis and Precision Medicine
  • Ligand Based and Structure Based Approaches
  • Computational Biology and Quantum Enzymology
  • Computationally-Driven Drug Discovery: Case Studies
  • Binding Kinetics in Drug Discovery
  • Modelling of Biological Drugs

The scientific program of the Symposium will include 9 plenary lectures, 9 keynote lectures, many oral communications, companies' workshops, poster presentations and a commercial exhibition. The conference proceedings will be published in a special issue of the ACS journal, "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling".

The symposium will take place in Verona, a splendid city of art, surrounded by the traces of its ancient history, splendid in its mythical dimension bestowed upon it by the Shakespearean tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

The city’s past centuries of history and its past splendours are witnessed by its architectural and artistic masterpieces; its culture and art are well renowned on a national and international level. For this reason, in the year 2000 Verona was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The XXIV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC-ISMC 2016) will be organised by the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector (BMCS) of the Royal Society of Chemistry, on behalf of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).

EFMC is the main organisation for European Medicinal Chemistry community with 25 member societies and about 7.500 members. Its biennial EFMC-ISMC is a key symposium in its field and attracts traditionally between 1200 and 1400 participants, from industry and academia. Recent EFMC-ISMC meetings have taken place in Denmark (Copenhagen/Malmö, 2004), Turkey (Istanbul, 2006), Austria (Vienna, 2008), Belgium (Brussels, 2010), Germany (Berlin, 2012) and Portugal (Lisbon, 2014).

The 2016 edition will continue the tradition established by these biennial symposia of covering drug discovery advances in major therapeutic areas, including the treatment of pain, CNS disorders, anti-infectives, ophthalmology, cardiovascular diseases and oncology. EFMC-ISMC 2016 will present the most recent advances in lead identification and optimization strategies, drug design and profiling technologies. The impact of biomarkers and imaging at the interfaces between chemistry, biology and experimental medicine will be illustrated. Particular emphasis will be put on first time disclosures, recent highlights in medicinal chemistry, and the impact of novel organic synthesis in drug discovery.

The symposium will take place at the Manchester Central Convention Complex from August 28 - September 1, 2016.

The BOSS-conference is a unique international symposium as it combines lectures delivered by established organic chemists as well as younger rising stars with two prestigious events: a lecture delivered by the recipient of the “Janssen Pharmaceutica Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis”, and the “Tetrahedron Chair”: a one-day course on a specific topic in organic synthesis.

The conference will cover a broad range of timely subjects in the field of organic chemistry. One of the major aims of the BOSS symposia has always been to give young chemists the possibility to attend a high level conference at a reasonable cost, instead of only addressing a small group of highly specialised chemists.

The BOSS XV Symposium Programme will include:

  • a one-day course by the recipient of the 2016 Tetrahedron Chair, Prof. Veronique Gouverneur (University of Oxford, UK)
  • a lecture delivered by the recipient of the 2016 Janssen Pharmaceutica Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis
  • a series of 17 plenary lectures with ample time for discussion
  • poster sessions
  • an exhibition of scientific instruments, books and chemicals
  • social activities

The official symposium language is English.

52nd International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry
52èmes Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Thérapeutique

The French Medicinal Chemistry Society (Société de Chimie Thérapeutique - SCT) is pleased to invite you to Caen (Normandy), France on July 6-8, 2016 for the 52nd edition of the International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry (RICT 2016).

Patrick Dallemagne, head of the Local Organising Committee will welcome you in the city of William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and King of England.

The congress will be devoted to “Interfacing Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery” and the main topics will be:

  • Approaches for Target Identification-Validation
  • Biomarkers – Innovative Diagnostic Approaches, Tools
  • Molecular Diversity
  • Chemoinformatics in and for Drug Discovery
  • Therapeutic Interventions Targeting the Nervous System
  • Case Studies (all targets and therapeutic indications included)

Additionally you will be able to appreciate the climate of the beautiful Normandy and visit the famous Mont-Saint-Michel, its wild coast with its lighthouses, the D-Day historic sites and beaches, the green countryside (here the highland named Norman Switzerland) or the lovely Alabaster seaside with the famous Etretat beach.

Caen is located at 230 kilometers from Paris and easily accessible by car, train, plane or even by boat (Caen - Ouistreham harbour).

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