
Expocentre invites you to participate in the Edition of the Specialized Exhibition for Chemical Engineering and Pumps – Chemmash. Pumps'2015. The Chemmash. Pumps Exhibition is part of a series of events organized by Expocentre and devoted to the chemical industry and science.

The 7th International Specialized Exhibition Chemmash. Pumps'2015 will showcase the latest equipment, processing lines and plants for production and processing of products of the chemical, petrochemical, oil-refining, oil and gas producing, metallurgy, coal mining, nonferrous and many other industries.

Professionals will see a wide range of machinery and devices including column and portioning equipment, reactors, separators, centrifuges, grinders, mills, dispensers, mixers, granulating machines, furnaces, heaters, drying plants, and heat exchange equipment.

Naturally, the larger part of the Salon is devoted to pumps. These exhibits are pumps, compressors, filtration equipment, pipes and pipeline systems, valves and piping, etc.

The exposition will also include weighing equipment, metering systems, vacuum equipment, refrigeration and cryogen equipment, boilers and boiler rooms, components, spare parts, equipment for plastics processing and packaging equipment.

Special attention will be paid to resources conservation, ecological safety and environmental protection. This part of the Salon is devoted to waste processing equipment, water treatment and cleanup systems, ventilation systems, systems of industrial equipment cleaning, structural materials, control and measuring equipment, sensors, controllers, computer-aided manufacturing, quality assurance systems, equipment for environmental monitoring, etc.

Green chemistry is a part of a series of events organized by Expocentre and devoted to the chemical industry and science.

Exhibition topics

Chemical technologies, research, new materials

  • Green chemistry technologies
  • chemistry of nanomaterials, nanotechnologies (graphene, silicen)
  • technologies based on self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS)
  • geosynthetics
  • superconducting materials
  • glass-crystalline materials
  • biologically active materials
  • metals and alloys with special properties
  • membranes and membrane technologies
  • modified fibers
  • fiber forming monomers and polymers based on renewable plant raw materials
  • computer aided design of material with tailored mechanical properties
  • composite materials
  • smart materials)
  • design and manufacture of equipment for green chemistry
  • new educational programmes in the field of green chemistry

Commercial biotechnology in medical, pharmaceutical, food, paper, textile, agricultural and electric energy industries

  • biopharmaceuticals
  • food enzymes, sugar substitutes
  • renewable plant raw materials
  • biodegradable polymers
  • plant and animal protection?
  • biocides
  • feed protein
  • bioremediation
  • microbiology and microbiological synthesis
  • liquid and solid biofuel, fuel palettes

Water conditioning and purification: systems and technologies

  • systems of treatment and purification of industrial waste water
  • systems and technologies for water treatment, purification, decontamination and conservation of drinking water
  • methods of hygienic evaluation of water quality

Chemical safety

  • chemical industry safety (waste treatment facilities, gas collectors, etc.)
  • environmental monitoring equipment
  • personal and collective protective equipment
  • environment protection
  • household, industrial, medical and toxic waste disposal and recycling

We invite you to the attend the 10th Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery Conference, which will take place on May 7-8, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

Over the past decades, protein kinases have proven to be an important class of drug targets for the pharmaceutical industry. This meeting seeks to create a forum for scientists from both industry and academia to gather and discuss the most recent advances in kinase inhibitor research. Leading researchers will present on hot topics such as irreversible inhibitors, allosteric inhibitors, and many more. In addition to scientific talks, dedicated networking sessions will allow attendees to better dialogue on how kinase inhibitor discovery will continue to expand beyond oncology into applications in CNS disorders, inflammation, and more.

We are excited to announce the 9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference, to be held May 5-6, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. This meeting will provide a multi-disciplinary forum for industry and academia colleagues to gather and explore the changing landscape in drug discovery: new ways of partnering, emerging target classes, and chemical biology approaches for discovering new medicines.

Leaders in the field will present on hot topics such as protein-protein interactions, phenotypic screening, allosteric inhibitors, and many more. Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet colleagues during dedicated networking sessions and form new connections.

We invite you to the attend the European Pharma Summit, which will take place on May 5-8, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. This event seeks to create a forum for colleagues across multiple disciplines, as well as from both private and public sectors, to gather and exchange ideas. Over 400 delegates from pharmaceutical organization, biotech companies, and leading academic institutions will gather over the course of four days to listen to presentations on the hottest topics in drug discovery and network with both new and old colleagues.

The landscape for drug discovery has changed drastically over the past few years: private and public partnerships are changing how research is being done, researchers are using 3D model systems in hopes of improving clinical outcomes, and emerging target classes are changing traditional conceptions of the drug discovery process.

The Summit will feature six conferences that will cover the latest hot topics in drug discovery:

  • 9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry May 5-6
  • 2nd Tissue Models & Drug Screening May 5-6
  • Analytics for Biotheraputics & Bioanaylitcal Methods May 5-6
  • 10th Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery May 7-8
  • GPCR Targeted Screening May 7-8
  • Phenotypic Screening May 7-8

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