
Success of Delivery Device Developers in Solving Formulation Limitations a Key Factor according to Greystone Research Associates

(Amherst, NH) – As patients live longer and the prevalence and incidence of chronic ailments increase across the general population, drug developers and their delivery device partners are adapting to address what will become a significant market opportunity. Chronic conditions require drug administration over long periods of time, placing a greater emphasis on self-administration. With the shift away from caregiver interaction, drug safety and compliance/adherence become prominent concerns. These concerns, which are not new, are becoming magnified as the number of powerful new drugs reaching the market increases. For healthcare managers and public health officials, one way to address these issues is less frequent dosing.

While sustained release tablets and capsules continue to evolve, there are limitations to this approach to the dosing issue, and these limits have essentially been reached. This reality, and the fact that biological drugs cannot be delivered orally, have resulted in an accelerating interest in alternative modes of administration (MoA), a group that includes injection, inhalation and transdermal administration. Our analysis concludes that recent growth has been uneven across non-oral delivery segments, and that future prospects will be determined to a large degree by the ability of drug and device developers to address formulation and patient issues across the new drug landscape.

The leading beneficiary of current drug development pipelines and the move toward self-administration is the injectable segment. The transition of injectable drug packaging from vials to sophisticated and customized injection devices is accelerating at a time when caregiver and patient expectations continue to evolve. The result is an emerging set of de facto requirements for drug developers that often dictates the device strategy for a particular parental drug. This trend is strongly aligned within and around specific drug classes and is accelerating with each new injectable that reaches the market.

Oral inhalation appeared to be on track to be a significant factor in the shift to self-administered systemic drugs. But the effects of the withdrawal of Exubera from the market continue to impact this segment. With a few notable exceptions, the majority of product development and new drug launches in this MoA segment continue to be for upper respiratory conditions that include asthma and COPD.

Transdermal drug patches offer the advantages of ease of use, painlessness, disposability, control of drug delivery and avoidance of first-pass metabolism by the liver. Advances in synthetic materials and patch design have led to patches that are more esthetically acceptable and that are capable of delivering sustained dosing of active compounds for several days in a smaller package. The use of patches provides therapy with a single application that is more beneficial than the use of other dosage forms that need more frequent administration. It provides the opportunity for rapid discontinuation of the source of medication and it can be quickly applied to unconscious, comatose or non-responsive patients.

The global drug self-administration market is detailed in a new and comprehensive report researched and written by Greystone Research Associates. Drug Self-administration Markets to 2022 analyzes the global market for drug designed to be administered by the patient. The report examines drug self-administration by therapeutic market, method of delivery and competitor, and analyzes demand drivers, development factors, and market considerations. Strategic and economic factors and profiles of market sector participants are also provided.

More information is available at

The 2nd GPCR Targeted Screening Conference will take place on May 7 – 8, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

Sessions for the meeting include:
I. Allosteric Modulators & Biased Signaling
II. GPCR Dynamics, Signaling, Structure, and Mechanisms
– Membrane Protein Structures
– Computational Modeling and Structural Dynamics of GPCRs
III. GPCRs in Disease
IV. In Silico Screening
V. GPCR Chemical Biology & Novel Molecular Probes

The 2nd Bioanalytic Sensors Conference will take place on May 5 – 6, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

This premier conference will host an exciting group of professionals from the academic, biotech, pharmaceutical, and business communities, and will focus on the latest discoveries in the Bioanlytical Sensors field. A balance of both academic and industry experts will facilitate discussion on the following areas:

Sessions for the meeting include:
I. Advances in Sensor Development
II. Clinical Applications of Bioanalytical Sensors
III. Nano-material Enabled Sensing
IV. Disposable Sensors & Sensors for Low Resource Environments
V. Single Molecule Sensing
VI. In Vivo Sensing & Analysis
VII. Mass Spectometry and Immunosensing
VIII. Microfluidics

The 2nd Tissue Models & Phenotypic Screening Conference will take place on May 5 – 7, 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

Over the years, three-dimensional (3D) models have become more favored over two-dimensional models (2D) because they better mimic the in vivo environment. Though 3D models have the potential to reduce failure in early stage drug discovery, there are still many questions to be answered: What are the gaps that still exist between 3D and 2D models? How will we conduct research to fill those gaps and what technological developments are needed?

Sessions for the meeting include:
I. Human Tissue Engineered Models for Drug Development
II. Biomimetic In Vitro Models: Development, Structure, and Function
III. In-Vivo 3D Models for Drug Safety Testing (Toxicology) and Screening
IV. Phenotypic Screening with Functional Analysis Including Complex Models
V. Target Identification & Target Fishing After a Phenotypic Screen
VI. Phenotypic Screening for Target Deconvolution (joint session with parallel Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference)
VII. Advances in Phenotypic Screening and Functional Analysis
VIII. Case Studies in Phenotypic Screening
IX. High Content Analysis of Tumor Spheroid Models
X. Developing Physiologically Relevant Models: 2D, Tissue, and Organ System Models

This meeting will bring together researchers from across multiple disciplines, from both industry and academia, to discuss how we can better engineer tissues for clinical delivery and develop models for drug screening.

Expocentre invites you to participate in the Edition of the Specialized Exhibition for Analytical and Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Furniture and Glassware, Chemical Reagents – Chem-Lab-Analyt. The Chem-Lab-Analyt Exhibition is part of a series of events organized by Expocentre and devoted to the chemical industry and science.

Chem-Lab-Analyt'2015 showcases trends and developments of the chemical analysis and analytical chemistry including the latest achievements in the field of analytical and laboratory equipment, research methods and technology.
The exhibitors will demonstrate a wide range of laboratory equipment, appliances and instruments, which are important to set up a modern laboratory.

Chem-Lab-Analyt'2015 covers the needs of research, test, sanitary, environmental, agrochemical, teaching, arbitration, industrial and other kinds of laboratories:

Metering equipment: analyzers of composition of substances and materials; scales, weigh feeders; thermometers; devices to determine viscosity and chromatography, to determine structure of substances and materials, to measure parameters of environment, for spectrometry, for electrochemical analyses and nuclear physics research; flow measuring devices, liquid level indicators; devices to determine material and liquid density, to measure pressure, to determine melting point and material humidity control, etc.

Auxiliary laboratory equipment to control working fluid, equipment for portioning, liquid carryover, sample taking, vacuum devices, water purification and drying equipment, lamps, laboratory centrifuges, and products that no laboratory can work without: glassware, comfortable and practical laboratory furniture, overalls and personal protective equipment.

Another important part of the Salon is an exposition of chemical and medical reagents, including diagnostics, highly pure substances, indicators, gasses and gaseous mixtures, dissolution mediums, and test systems.

The salon participants provide services in calibration of measuring instruments and certification of test equipment, services of analytical laboratories, laboratory automation, information services, etc.

In addition, significant attention will be paid to the issues of standardization and unification of research methods, equipment and instruments in accordance with international standards.

Chem-Lab-Analyt'2015 will offer everything necessary to set up a laboratory: from design and construction, equipment, devices, display and information handing systems, reagents and other materials to supply of overalls and protective equipment, procedural and information support for analytical research.

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