Bioscreening News 3rd Annual Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast 25th April to 26th April 2016, Iselin, USA

Emulating from the success of its 2015 sell-out show, SMi Group is delighted to announce the return of the 3rd annual conference and exhibition: Pre-Filled Syringes - East Coast, taking place on April 25th – 26th 2016 in Iselin, New Jersey, USA.

With the growing demand for biologics and ready-to-administer (RTA) syringes, recent reports have predicted the global pre-filled syringes (PFS) market to reach $6.6bn by 2020. While we have witnessed booming investments in PFS, the industry still needs to overcome a number of hurdles to commercialize this delivery platform.

Through a combination of powerful keynote addresses, topical debate and interactive workshops, Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast will once again play host to an audience of senior scientists, device manufacturers and PFS market professionals, providing a focal point to discuss the latest innovations and developments in pre-filled syringes; as well as honing in on industry challenges and regulatory compliance.

The expert speaker line-up for 2016 includes:

Stephen Barat, Executive Director, Non-Clinical & Translational Sciences, Safety Assessment & Bioanalysis, Allergan
Ravi S. Harapanhalli Ph.D., Principal, FDAPharma Consulting LLC
Mathias Romacker, Senior Director, Device Strategy, Pfizer
Dr. Paolo Mangiagalli, Senior Director, Head PFS Platform, Sanofi
Ken Wong, Deputy Director, MTech/ Process Technology – Extractables & Leachables, Sanofi Pasteur
Carsten Worsoe, Principal Scientist, CMC Analytical Support, Novo Nordisk A/S
Dr. Shawn Davis, Principal Engineer, Device Strategy, Amgen
Mohammed Umar, Principal Technical Manager, Quality Engineering, Genentech
Jason Lipman, Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Devices & Combination Products, Janssen R&D, LLC

Event Highlights:

Discover how to eliminate extractables and leachables (E&L) through a case study driven presentation from Merck
Hear how Eli Lilly give the PFS a human touch – incorporating human factor engineering into a patient-centric device
Ensure commercial competitiveness of PFS as a drug device
Assess trends of combination products and impacts on PFS
Learn about the latest cutting edge  technological developments  in COP and sterilization to accelerate your PFS development
Exclusive post-conference workshops led by Cambridge Consultants on Human Factor Engineering and FDAPharma Cosulting LLC on CMC Considerations

For further details and to download a brochure, visit the website at

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