Bioscreening News 2nd Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatics Conference, October 5-7, Berlin, Germany

We welcome you to join us at GTCbio’s 2nd Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatics Conference on October 5-7, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. This conference gathers the foremost experts to present on leading-edge technology in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics featuring discussions on opportunities and challenges in NGS, bioinformatics, and data management.

Join your peers in this one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn from academicians and industry specialists presenting on the top NGS platforms, novel applications, clinical investigations, health economics, transcriptomics, infectious disease investigations, emerging technologies, ancient and forensic DNA studies, whole genome sequencing, single-cell analysis, and more! In addition, the world’s leading bioinformaticians will drill-down on developments in NGS big data, cloud systems, clinical and cancer genomics data, database integration, the Galaxy Project and pipelines, BaseSpace, and much more!

This conference is part our Drug Discovery Week Europe 2015 and coincides with the Biomarker Summit Europe at the same location.

Drug Discovery Week Europe 2015

Oct. 5, 2015 Tuesday
Oct. 6, 2015 Wednesday
Oct. 7, 2015 Thursday
Oct. 8, 2015
2nd Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatics

Biomarker Summit Europe 2015

9th Biomarkers in Drug Discovery & Development
4th Biomarkers in Diagnostics

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