Bioscreening News 14th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-14) Ghent, Belgium – January 27-29, 2016

After a successful 13th edition of our conference on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology, we are happy to announce the opening of HTC-14 from January 27th until 29th, 2016. Contrary to previous editions, we have decided to move the conference to Ghent. It will be held in the conference centre “Het Pand” in the historical heart of the city.

As you might know from previous editions, the HTC conference remains your premier platform for state-of-the-art developments in hyphenated separation techniques. Presentations by internationally renowned experts both from industry and academia combined with specific Ph.D. sessions are the ideal ingredients for a fruitful journey through the invigorating landscape of separation technology.

As before, HTC-14 will cover all fundamental aspects, instrumental developments and applications of hyphenated chromatographic techniques. These include hyphenation between chromatography and (new) detection systems, multi-column (multi-dimensional) chromatography, and the coupling between sample preparation and separation techniques. Many aspects of chromatography are addressed, including automation and robotization, miniaturization and microfabricated analytical devices, high-pressure and high-temperature LC.

Main topics include:

1.   Fundamental Strategies for the Hyphenation of Contemporary Chromatographic and other Separation Techniques
with Sample Preparation and Advanced Detection Systems
2.   Emerging Detection Strategies Compatible with Current Separation Techniques
3.   The Marriage of Hyphenated Techniques with Process Analytical Technology
4.   Novel Multi-Dimensional Separation Techniques
5.   Biological Sample Preparation for Clinical and Forensic Applications (RSC)
6.   Hyphenated Separations for Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Analysis (RSC)
7.   Hyphenation in Quantitative Chromatography (RSC)
8.   Relevance in Food Science, including the Analysis of Contaminants and Residues
9.   Green Chromatography including Environmental Science
10. Clinical and/or Forensic Applications
11. Combination with Chemometrics and Data-analysis
12. Applications in the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
13. Hyphenated Techniques for Natural Products, Flavours and Fragrance Analysis
14. Applicability in “Omics” (Metabolomics, Proteomics, Lipidomics, …)
15. Hyphenated Techniques and Polymer Analysis

Register before November 9, 2015 and benefit from the early bird fee!

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