Bioscreening Company Directory


Tecan Seestrasse 103
CH-8708 Mannedorf Switzerland
Contact(email): .
Phone: 41-1-922-8888

Tecan ( is a leading global provider of laboratory instruments and solutions in biopharmaceuticals, forensics, and clinical diagnostics. The company specializes in the development, production and distribution of instruments and automated workflow solutions for laboratories in the life sciences sector. Its clients include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, university research departments, forensic and diagnostic laboratories. As an original equipment manufacturer, Tecan is also a leader in developing and manufacturing OEM instruments and components that are then distributed by partner companies. Founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company has manufacturing, research and development sites in both Europe and North America and maintains a sales and service network in 52 countries. 

In 2010, Tecan generated sales of CHF 371 million (USD 356 million; EUR 269 million). Registered shares of Tecan Group are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (TK: TECN/Reuters: TECZn.S/ ISIN CH0012100191).




  • Reader
  • Microplate Reader
  • Automation-Control Software
  • Microplate Reader
  • Microarray Scanning System
  • Tecan’s PowerScanner™ and Hybridization Station PRO™ Offer Process Control and Automation for Microarrays
  • Tecan PowerScanner™
  • Tecan’s Infinite® 200 PRO – A New Horizon in Microplate Detection
  • Air-Displacement Pipettor
  • Microplate Reader

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