Bioscreening Company Directory


SABIC P.O. Box 5101
11422 Riyadh Saudi Arabia


SABIC is the largest and most profitable non-oil company in the Middle East and one of the world’s five largest petrochemicals manufacturers. It is a public company based in Riyadh: the Saudi Arabian government owns 70% of its shares, and the remaining 30% are held by private investors in Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

SABIC is one of the founders of the Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association (GPCA).

To find out how SABIC was created, and how it achieved its current success, please see the Background and History pages. Or, for an idea of our size and capacity, see the Facts and Figures page.


The Chairman of SABIC is His Highness Prince Saud bin Abdullah bin Thunayan Al-Saud. The Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed H Al-Mady, leads the management team, and the company is overseen by a Board of Directors taken from government and the private sector.


SABIC is composed of six business units. These are: Chemicals, Polymers, Performance Chemicals, Fertilizers, Metals and Innovative Plastics. Each of these is headed by a Vice-President. Six of these business units make four different kinds of products:

• Chemicals – Chemicals and Performance Chemicals (two business units)

• Plastics – Polymers and Innovative Plastics (two business units)

• Fertilizers (one business unit)

• Metals (one business unit)


Although SABIC’s headquarter is in Riyadh, we have major operations in the industrial city of Al-Jubail and in Dammam on the Arabian Gulf and in Yanbu on the Red Sea. For more on these operations, please see the pages devoted to our manufacturing base. To find out about our operations in other parts of the world – the Middle East and Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe – please see the worldwide section.


Because we are constantly looking to the future, we invest heavily in Research and Technology (R&T). Our 16 main R&T facilities are spread across the globe with new patents and certifications earned through our hundreds of dedicated scientists.

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