Directory Building Blocks Rieke Metals, Inc
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Rieke Metals, Inc

Rieke Metals, Inc 1001 Kingbird Rd.
68521 Lincoln
NE United States
Located in Lincoln, Nebraska, Rieke Metals, Inc. has been producing high quality compounds since 1991. Rieke Metals, Inc. offers technology in the preparation of highly reactive metals and unique organometallic reagents made from these metals. We sell highly reactive Rieke zinc and magnesium. We also offer several hundred novel organozinc reagents and Grignard reagents. Our current list of fine organic chemicals numbers over 10,000. In addition, we supply more than 350 thousand molecules under research contract. Among these fine organic chemicals are a large number of heterocyclic compounds. We offer a unique line of fine organic chemicals for drug discovery.

Rieke Metals, Inc. is also a world leader in the supply of organic conducting polymers. We manufacture high quality 3-alkyl polythiophenes with exceptional regioregularity. These polymers are highly soluble in organic solvents. We recently have added water soluble polythiophenes. All of our polythiophenes are characterized by high quality and reproducibility. We can supply grams to multi-kilograms. Rieke Metals is constantly adding new polymers and fine organic chemicals to our inventory list.

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