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PharmaDM Belgium
Phone: +32 16 29 84 94
DMax Chemistry Assistant(TM) automatically finds, formulates, validates and shows scientific hypotheses that best match small molecule screening data. Each discovered hypothesis suggests a relationship between molecule structure and biological activity and thus contributes to the researcher's insight in the underlying mechanism-of-action. In addition, the inferred hypotheses are combined into an auto-extracted expert system for in-silico screening and prioritization of large compound libraries. For each predicted score/rank, researchers can drill down to potential explanations and further down to the previously screened reference molecules that back those explanations.


DMax Chemistry Assistantâ„¢
Description DMax Chemistry Assistantâ„¢ automatically finds, formulates, validates and shows scientific hypotheses that best match small molecule screening data. Each discovered hypothesis suggests a relationship between molecule structure and biological activity and thus contributes to the researcher's insight in the underlying mechanism-of-action. In addition, the inferred hypotheses are combined into an auto-extracted expert system for in-silico screening and prioritization of large compound libraries. For each predicted score/rank, researchers can drill down to potential explanations and further down to the previously screened reference molecules that back those explanations.
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