Directory Conferences and Trade Shows Oxford International Marketing Services Ltd
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Oxford International Marketing Services Ltd

Oxford International Marketing Services Ltd United Kingdom
Phone: + 44(0) 8708 903 303
Oxford International Conferences produce cutting edge congresses and summits throughout a variety of industry sectors. Handling over 1,000 delegates annually, recruiting top quality speakers and working with sponsors time and time again, we have developed business relationships that ensure outstanding events.

Coupled with our above expertise, research is vital to Oxford International Conferences. By constantly analysing market trends, speaking with industry pioneers and taking strategic advice from expert advisory panels, we can guarantee the most current and topical issues are covered in our programmes.

Focusing on summits, conferences and a unique congress format, our success is unrivalled in the production of high calibre events that offer tailored knowledge sharing and industry solutions and networking opportunities. We are currently operating our series of events within the following business sectors: Life Sciences, Telecommunications and Corporate IT.


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