Directory HTS Screening Molecular Devices
Bioscreening Company Directory

Molecular Devices

Molecular Devices 660-665 Eskdale Road
RG41 5TS Winnersh Triangle
Berkshire UK
Contact Person: James Ford
Phone: +44 (0)118 944 8000
Fax: +44 (0)118 944 8001

Molecular Devices provides one of the widest ranges of bioanalytical systems for life science and drug discovery research available from a single supplier. Our systems are built on proprietary technology platforms that deliver high performance, flexibility, and reliability. Some of our key patented technologies are listed below. For more information about any of these technologies, please contact us directly.

Our focus is on helping our customers succeed in their basic life science and drug discovery research efforts. We strive to understand customer workflows in order to deliver products that will improve their productivity and streamline their protocols. Our commitment to innovation is driven by the needs of our customers and the objectives of their research programs. In addition, we do everything we can to ensure the health & safety of our employees around the world, and hold all employees to high standards of ethical business conduct.

Our Market Areas

- Microplate Readers & Software
- UV/Vis Spectrophotometers
Microplate Washers & Handlers
Automated Electrophysiology
Conventional Patch Clamp
High Content Screening (incl. RNAi & Stem Cell Research)
High Throughput Cellular Screening
Threshold System - Contaminant Detection
Microarray Scanners
Label Free Analysis
- Data Analysis & Informatics Software



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