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IQPC United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 207 368 9300

iosPharma IQ, a division of IQPC, provides a forum to address the critical issues facing the Pharmaceutical Industry today. Pharma IQ utilizes workshop, conference and training course formats to facilitate a learning environment for pharmaceutical professionals working in all areas of drug development: from Discovery to Post-Marketing.
IQPC provides business executives around the world with tailored practical conferences, large scale events, topical seminars and in-house training programs, keeping them up-to-date with industry trends, technological developments and the regulatory landscape. IQPC's large scale conferences are market leading “must attend” events for their respective industries.

IQPC produces more than 1,500 events annually around the world, and continues to grow. Founded in 1973, IQPC now has offices in major cities across six continents including: Berlin, Dubai, London, New York, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, and Sydney — with additional openings scheduled for 2008. IQPC leverages a global research base of best practices to produce an unrivalled portfolio of conferences.
We deliver thought provoking, unbiased, information through an optimum mix of conferences, webinars, websites, exchanges, tradeshows, workshops, seminars and study tours, attracting a dedicated group of top decision makers year in and year out. Exhibitions, sponsorship opportunities and awards ceremonies at IQPC events also provide the fastest and most enjoyable way to find out what's going on in your business community and the best way to meet the suppliers that can help you en-route.

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