Bioscreening Company Directory


Phone: 1 800 445 7661
Gilson is a leading manufacturer of a high-quality, dependable liquid chromatography instruments, automated liquid handling instruments, and pippettes.


215 Direct-Inject Liquid Handler/Injector
Description Designed to handle the demands of smaller injection volumes—delivers microliter volumes with precision and accuracy. Capable of injecting volumes of 500 nL to 5 mL
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215 Liquid Handler/Injector
Description Single-probe, "workhorse" liquid handler delivers a robust performance for fast and accurate direct injection onto HPLC or LC/MS systems. Suitable for a wide variety of applications
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215 SW Liquid Handler/Injector
Description Delivers the same "workhorse" performance as Gilson's 215 Liquid Handler with a smaller footprint to save on bench space, and to allow the 215 SW to fit inside a fume hood
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221 XL/222 XL Liquid Handlers
Description Large-capacity, robotic liquid handlers automate your sample preparation and transfer protocols. The 221 XL and 222 XL are ideal for automating liquid transfer for many applications
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223 Sample Changer
Description Programmable sampler for automated sample preparation and transfer. The 223 Sample Changer is the perfect solution for protocols such as serial dilutions, addition of samples, ...
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Constellation® 1200 Liquid Handler
Description Precise, nanoliter-volume liquid handling capability allows you to accurately dispense volumes from 5 nL to 500 µL without an air gap. Precision robotics and flexible software ...
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GX-281 Liquid Handler
Description The new GX-281 Liquid Handler features a revolutionary solvent delivery system: there are no syringes to replace or change to accommodate various volumes and flow rates.
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Multiple Probe 215 Liquid Handler/Injector
Description Flexible liquid handler and injector is engineered to improve throughput for drug discovery and drug metabolism laboratories. High-throughput capacity is ideal for parallel injection ...
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Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler with Disposable Tips
Description Gilson's Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler Now Accepts 1 mL Disposable Tips! The addition of disposable tips to Gilson’s Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler offers an important tool for ...
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Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler/Injector
Description Based on the same robust design as the 215 Liquid Handler/Injector, the Quad-Z 215 features four independent probes with variable horizontal spacing from 9 to 18 mm for access ...
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