Bioscreening Company Directory


ChemDiv 6605 Nancy Ridge Drive
92121 San Diego
CA United States
Phone: 1-877-CHEMDIV or +1 858-794-4860

ChemDiv is a fully integrated discovery and development Contract Research Organization (CRO) headquartered in San Diego, CA, USA, with subsidiaries in Russia and Ukraine, business and logistics operations around the world. Our organisation collaborates with pharmaceutical and biotech partners by enabling them to accelerate R&D programs to higher value clinical inflection points. One of the industry's most established CROs, ChemDiv offers Integrated Discovery outSource solutions that cover a complete range of disciplines needed to bring a new project in CNS, oncology, inflammation, metabolic, infectious and other diseases from identification of a biological target (protein expression, assay development etc.) to clinical drug candidates (ADME/DMPK, toxicity and safety studies, efficacy models etc.) to Proof of Concept drug candidate (Phase I and II) and to the market. With successful 20 years business record in life sciences and over 500 research associates employed globally, we put forward unique translational capabilities from Research to Clinical Development.

ChemDiv's expertise in rational drug design, synthetic and medicinal chemistry in various therapeutic areas of target classes has allowed it to successfully execute collaborations with leading Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology companies leveraging company's core capabilities in chemistry and biology. We also provide translational research and development support to help bring candidates forward in development through offering a comprehensive package of pre-clinical and clinical services. By applying its strong in-house R&D expertise and a blend of unique business models, ChemDiv is exceptionally positioned to provide its partners with Proof of Concept data in less time and at a fraction of the cost typically seen in the pharmaceutical industry therefore mitigating very high risks associated with the full scale clinical development.

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