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Cartesian Technologies

Cartesian Technologies
Phone: 734.975.4800
Genomic Solutions, a Harvard Bioscience company, develops, manufactures, and sells instrumentation, software, and consumables used to determine the activity level of genes, that can isolate, identify and characterize proteins, and to dispense small volumes of biologically important materials. The company’s products and systems, marketed under GeneMachines™ Genomic Systems, Investigator ™ Proteomic System, and Cartesian™ Dispensing Systems, enable researchers to perform complex, high volume experiments at a lower cost and in less time than traditional techniques. Its core technologies, synQUAD™ and Hummingbird™ highlight a variety of applications ranging from the simplest of microtiter plate filling to more complex applications like cell dispensing or protein crystallization.
As a result, Genomic Solutions products and systems facilitate rapid and less expensive drug discovery.


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