Directory Conferences and Trade Shows Cambridge Healthtech Institute
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Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Phone: 781-972-5400

CHI’s renowned conferences are the underpinning for all our other information resources. Each year, approximately 85 conferences are held throughout the US and Europe. Conference programs are designed to be a useful, timely, and effective supplement to specialized journals, newsletters, and other meetings. We strive to develop quality programs that provide valuable new insights and competing points of view, while offering balanced coverage of the latest developments. Basic research related to commercial implications is covered, with heavy emphasis placed on new products and technology still in the evaluation stage. Experts from both academic and commercial laboratories present their most current scientific research in a forum that features panel discussions and audience participation.

Additionally, our conferences provide organizations with a unique opportunity to reach a highly targeted scientific audience. CHI events facilitate interaction with key decision-makers from leading pharmaceutical and biotech organizations. This format offers companies who sponsor or exhibit at a CHI event direct access to individuals who are interested in their products and services. In the past 14 years, CHI has produced over 400 conferences, attracting more than 50,000 attendees from around the world.


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