Directory Specialty Chemicals Brock Fine Chemicals
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Brock Fine Chemicals

Mountjoy Centre (Maple Wing), South Road
DH1 3LE Durham UK
Contact Person: Graham Sandford
Phone: 0044 (0) 191 334 2039
Fax: 0044 (0) 191 384 4737
Brock Fine Chemicals is a contract manufacturer of halogenated chemicals and intermediates.  These can be hard to make - but Brock uses advanced techniques to make products that would have been impossible a few years ago. We specialise in three categories: Fluoroarene chemicals: these can have valuable chemical and biological activities and have a growing number of applications as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, liquid crystals and fibre-reactive dyes. Bromo- and iodo-aromatic systems: synthetically versatile compounds often used as starting materials in palladium-catalysed processes, particularly within the drug discovery arena. Polyfunctional, highly chlorinated aromatic and heteroaromatic systems: often used as intermediates in the synthesis of agrochemicals and materials chemistry products. If we don’t have your product in stock, we develop a manufacturing process for milligram to kilogram quantities.  We also provide contract research - with R&D, process development or pilot-scale services backed by validation that includes LC, GC, NMR, IR, UV-Vis, mass spec. and chromatographic analysis.  

Brock is an independent company based in Durham, UK and is led by Prof. Graham Sandford, a noted scientist in this field. Email or see for more details

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