Bioscreening Company Directory

Beta Pharma Inc

Beta Pharma Inc 31 Business Park Drive
06405-2977 Branford United States

Beta Pharma Inc (BetaPharma) was founded in 1996 as a contract research organization (named Beta Chemicals Inc.) to provide custom synthesis service for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology R&D community.

In 2001, BetaPharma added a new drug discovery team and initiated an oncology drug development program. In 2003, BetaPharma established a joint-venture with an investor group to form Zhejiang Beta Pharma Inc. in China.

In May of 2006, a novel EGFR inhibitor, Icotinib entered into a Phase I clinical trial in China. The randomized, double blind and multi-center Phase III clinical trial of Icotinib is complete, and the regulatory filing has been submitted. The expected approval date by the SFDA is in mid-June of 2011.

Today, BetaPharma is an emerging specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative late stage oncological therapies. Our oncology products pipeline is diverse and undergoing rapid development.

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