Directory BertholdTechnologies
Bioscreening Company Directory


BertholdTechnologies Calmbacher Str. 22
75323 Bad Wildbad
BW Germany
Contact Person: Bernd Hutter
Phone: +4970811770
Fax: +497081177100

The Berthold Technologies Bioanalytic division develops and manufactures single and multi-label microplate readers for a multitude of life sciences applications like reporter genes, Calcium, ATP, caspases, kinases, GPCRs, cAMP, DNA concentration, protein concentration, immunoassays, oxidative burst and many more.

In vivo imaging of luciferase and GFP expression as well as other luminescent and fluorescent marker are the turf for the small animal and plant imaging systems NightOWL and NightSHADE with a set of dedicated add-ons, e.g. anaesthesia unit or LED growth illumination.

Tube luminometers, Gamma counters for RIA and Chromium release and HPLC radio detectors used in metabolism and PET applications complete the range of products.

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