Directory Pharmacological Standards Libraries BIOMOL International/Affinity
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BIOMOL International/Affinity

BIOMOL International/Affinity United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1392 825900
The BIOMOL International worldwide network offers specialised reagents for signal transduction research (including antibodies, peptides, enzymes, enzyme activators and inhibitors, second messengers, and assay kits as well as a comprehensive offering of bioactive lipids and neuropharmacologics) and a range of compound libraries for screening (previously available from BIOMOL Research Laboratories) with the innovative products and services for cell biological research available from AFFINITI. This includes a wide range of products for neuroscience research and the world's most comprehensive range of substrates, inhibitors, enzymes, proteins and antibodies for use in ubiquitin, proteasome and COP9-signalosome research. AFFINITI staff also specialise in the manufacture of high quality synthetic peptides and in the synthetic peptide approach to protein-reactive antibody production.


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