Bioscreening Company Directory

Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei 1-105 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku
101-8101 Tokyo Japan
Phone: 81-3-3296-3000
Fax: 81-3-3296-3161
ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION is a Japan-based holding company mainly engaged in chemical business. It has seven business segments. The Chemical segment offers petrochemicals, functional film, functional resin and synthetic rubber, among others. The Housing segment is engaged in the development and sale of housing, as well as the renovation, real estate transaction and housing loan businesses. The Drug and Medical segment offers pharmaceuticals, medical devices and virus clearance filters, among others. The Textile segment offers synthetic textile and nonwoven fabrics. The Electronics segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of electronic materials and electronic components. The Construction Material segment offers aerated light-weight concrete and high-performance adiabatic materials. The Others segment is engaged in the design, construction and maintenance of industrial facilities, as well as the manpower dispatching and agency businesses.
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