Bioscreening Company Directory


Phone: 1-800-452-5530
AnaSpec, Inc., located in San Jose, California, is a leading life science company providing innovative products (peptides, antibodies, fluorescent reagents, assay kits, synthesis resins and reagents) and custom manufacturing. AnaSpec offers a broad product line of these biochemicals and reagents for basic research, high-throughput screening and drug discovery. In conjunction, AnaSpec provides premier custom services including peptide synthesis, antibody production, and assay development. AnaSpec holds a California Drug Manufacturing License (License #41747) and a FDA Registration for GMP Drug Manufacturing (Registration #2951078).


As a company founded by researchers, we understand fully the importance of the quality of our products to your research efforts. Your hard work, long hours spent, and unwavering dedication should be matched by the highest quality of reagents. Since our inception, AnaSpec has a longstanding reputation for the unsurpassed quality of our products. AnaSpec's full commitment to quality is exemplified by our ISO 9001:2000 certification. All products are manufactured according to strict ISO and GMP/GLP guidelines and are accompanied with certificates of analysis.


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