Bioscreening Company Directory

Agrium, Inc.

Agrium, Inc. 13131 Lake Fraser Drive SE
T2J 7E8 Calgary
AB Canada
Phone: (403) 225-7000
Fax: (403) 225-7609
Agrium, Inc. is a major retail supplier of agricultural products and services in North and South America, a leading global wholesale producer and marketer of all three major agricultural nutrients and the premier supplier of specialty fertilizers in North America through its Advanced Technologies business unit. Agrium’s strategy is to grow across the value chain through acquisition, incremental expansion of its existing operations and through the development, commercialization and marketing of new products and international opportunities. Agrium was founded as Cominco Fertilizers, Ltd. in 1931 and changed its name to Agrium, Inc. in 1995. Agrium is headquartered in Calgary, Canada. Agrium U.S. Inc., a subsidiary company, is based in Denver, Colorado and is the location of Agrium's retail head office. The company is a part-owner of Canpotex, which manages all potash exporting from Saskatchewan.
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