Directory A to Z Company List Advanced Synthesis,SA
Bioscreening Company Directory

Advanced Synthesis,SA

Advanced Synthesis,SA PO BOX 437920
92173 SAN YSIDRO United States
Advanced Synthesis operates internationally and domestically in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, aerospace, aroma and flavor industries; providing organic chemical, custom synthesis processing for these respective industries. We are a technology and research firm company. Advanced Synthesis is in a very strong position to respond to the complex requirements of industry; in particular, the increasing demands for adequate environmental protection. We provide products and service to the highest standards of quality. To achieve this we operate quality management systems that comply with the appropriate domestic and international standards. Advanced Synthesis is located near San Diego, California - the home of Scripps Institute of Oceanography and University of California, San Diego. Both universities have excellent chemistry departments equipped with the most up-to-date instrumentation for all facets of chemistry technology and biotechnology/biochemistry. These facilities are accessible to local industry, and AST makes use of them whenever necessary.

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