Directory Software Accelrys
Bioscreening Company Directory


Phone: +1 800 756 4674
Discovery Studio™ Gene brings the legendary ease of use of MacVector™, our award-winning Macintosh® sequence analysis application, to the Windows platform. DS Gene provides a native Windows® look and feel while retaining the intuitive functionality of its Macintosh counterpart. The latest release, DS Gene 1.5, adds support for Phylogenetic Reconstruction and provides significant enhancements in almost every area of desktop sequence analysis.

Accelrys' Discovery Studio™ ViewerPro (DS ViewerPro) combines state of the art molecular graphics with a full range of Windows® desktop integration tools. Using the DS ViewerPro you can visualize and share molecular information in a clear and consistent way, whether it's by exchanging chemical files or by including dynamic chemical structures in Word documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.

MacVector, the leading sequence analysis package for the Macintosh, provides sequence editing, PCR primer analysis, Internet database searches, protein analysis, and a wide variety of other functions. View the results of any analysis function in graphical or text format. Assemble consensus sequences for your sequencing projects with AssemblyLIGN, MacVector’s contig assembly module.


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