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Event: '2011 BIO Human Resources Conference' Print
  North America
Bio Conferences in USA, Mexico and Canada
Date: Monday, June 27, 2011
Contact Info:
Phone: 202.962.9200

Join the Conversation

The BIO Human Resources 2011 Conference is where you will join over 150 human resources professionals in the biotechnology industry from around the globe this summer in DC. Learn how to attract, motivate and retain the most qualified employees for your company with our engaging program built around 3 tracks:

  1. The Changing Corporate Structure — Sponsored by Radford, an Aon Hewitt Company
  2. It's Not Business as Usual
  3. Navigating the Legislative Landscape

Ultimately, this is your platform to network with your industry colleagues while staying on top of the issues. Learn more about the realities of what today's biotech environment and big-pharma company's demand. Make sure your executives are showing courage by not only meeting corporate goals but, personal career goals as well.

Explore Solutions and Services from These 2011 Exhibitors

Barney & Barney LLC

Culpepper and Associates, Inc.

Discovery Solutions, Inc.

Ford & Harrison LLP


Hay Group

Radford, an Aon Hewitt Company

Saul Ewing LLP

Science Careers

Taylor Strategy Partners

Wells Fargo Insurance Services




Register for the BIO Human Resources 2011 Conference and choose to attend the 2011 BIO International Convention.

This year's conference is once again co-located with the 2011 BIO International Convention at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. You can attend the BIO International Convention at no additional cost if you are a registrant of the HR Conference. The $195 upgrade fee is being waived in 2011; we want you to experience everything the Convention has to offer.

The BIO International Convention is the industry's most dynamic event where leading-edge providers display their latest technologies, services and solutions on a bustling exhibit floor. Encounter 15,000+ biotech leaders, innovators and decision makers from 65 countries - face to face. To learn more, visit

This one-time offer is a huge value that gives you access to:

Location: Renaissance Hotel, Washington D.C.


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